
LaMonte M. Fowler

an indie author writing to stay sane


LaMonte M. Fowler

Author of the bestselling novel series THE WATCHERS OF UR, and the novella series SOLITARY. Essayist writing about the intersection of religion and politics.

The Debate Closing I Would Write

Today's thought experiment is to imagine what I would write for former Vice President Biden if I had the task of preparing his closing remarks at tonight's debate. Here's what my 4:45 am mind conjured.

Songs as Stories

The best songwriters are really just storytellers with a gift for melody. If you're like me, some of your favorite songs tell a story that sticks with you, not just because it has a catchy melody or chorus, but because... Continue Reading →

Open Letter to Trump Supporters

We have a choice: the continuation of policies that erode the foundations of our republic; or, recommit ourselves to the principles that our Founders enumerated in the Constitution.

Persevering in a Pandemic

As a public service, I thought I would jot down a handful of useful tidbits to keep in mind as we navigate this pandemic and strive to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and healthy.

Finding Our Way Back from the Twilight Zone

Donald Trump's post-impeachment behavior has been more shocking than I ever imagined it could be. His admiration for dictators has manifested as an imitation of their worst and most harmful traits.

New Short Story

This week as part of my quarantine self-improvement plan, I got a subscription to Masterclass and have committed to sharpening my craft as a writer. I am in the midst of Neil Gaiman's class (it's marvelous), so I decided to... Continue Reading →

Featured post

Free Book Offer!

Howdy, friends! It's been a while since I ran a free book promotion. I figured now would be a good time since I am making good progress on the final installment of the Watchers saga, LEGACY. So for this week... Continue Reading →

Launching a New Website!

This year my wife Theresa and I will celebrate 32 years as a couple. We've been blessed so much and we want to help others find lasting joy and peace whether they are contemplating marriage, recently married, or 40 years... Continue Reading →

Update: Yes…I’m Still Here

Howdy, dear readers. You may have noticed that I've been absent for a spell. I recently took a new job with a Bay Area startup and have been working & living in San Francisco. Now that I've gotten into a... Continue Reading →

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