silhouette of golden gate bridge during golden hour
Photo by Mohamed Almari on

Howdy, dear readers. You may have noticed that I’ve been absent for a spell. I recently took a new job with a Bay Area startup and have been working & living in San Francisco. Now that I’ve gotten into a routine, I wanted to update you on the projects that I’ve got in the works.

LEGACY, the 3rd and final installment of the WATCHERS novel series is 30% complete. I have made a personal commitment to be disciplined and write every day until it is finished. Based on my daily output, I am targeting a Fall 2019 release. My plan is to release LEGACY and then work on re-releasing the WATCHERS trilogy as an omnibus edition for those who haven’t read it and want it all in one, albeit lengthy package.

SOLITARY 4 is 50% complete and will be released this summer followed by at least one more episode this year. I have enough of the story plotted to take us to 8-10 episodes. Once completed, I will wrap it all up into a proper novel and re-release it.

BLACK FRIDAY is 25% complete and will be the next project I tackle after LEGACY.

THE SECRET WORLD OF MARA DUFFY is 15% complete and will follow BLACK FRIDAY, hopefully in late 2020.

My musical project with Neal Morse is on hold until Neal and I have schedules that coincide enough to pick it back up. The songs are written and rough cuts recorded. The script is completed as a 2nd draft and has had one table reading to date. It needs some moderate editing and structural changes before we can test it with a table reading again. Then the job of getting an investor/producer begins.

And my docket of ideas keeps getting longer and longer.

I’ll be updating you on a much more regular basis and may even float some chapters as a sneak peek.

In the meantime…keep reading and supporting independent authors. You are the reason why we write at 5AM.

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